These references were provided to LinkedIn by people who voluntarily provided a testimonial for my past work. This is provided here for businesses/organizations interested in hiring me for special project work, etc. For LinkedIn, all references must be posted by the person writing them. Their positions, as listed, were the jobs they held when they wrote the references. Check Linked In for promotions or job changes since that time.
Jody is one of those true community assets so necessary for the enrichment of where we live. She has the unique ability to bring people from varied back grounds together to share ideas and develop a plan of action. No matter the situation, Jody's either been there or talked to someone who has. Also a great coach and mentor, there's simply no one better to include in your cadre of "The Dependables." Mr. Robin Marohn, VP, Heartland Credit Union, Madison
Top Honors Received....
U.S. Business Journalist of the Year; U.S. Small Business Admin.; Award given at the State Department in Washington, D.C.
Athena Award; Madison, WI; National award for mentoring women.
Police Chief's Award for Leadership; Madison; U.W. Police Chief for heading the Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Response Unit.
Partnership Award; Madison; Omega Schools; for volunteer & financial support of alternative schools.
Best U.S. Surburban Newspaper Columnist; Milwaukee; 1994; Suburban Newspaper Association of America
First Place, In-Depth News Reporting; Milwaukee; National Newspaper Association
J.C. Penney Award; Milwaukee for community service as a police crisis interventionist.
Mayor's Award; Cudahy, WI for community service in crisis situations
Deb Travis Archer, Pres./CEO
Greater Madison Convention & Visitors Bureau
Jody Glynn Patrick is one of those rare people who inspires others with her intellect, wit, compassion and tenacity. In my years in Madison, Jody has always been heralded as a bold, creative and solution-oriented leader. She has excelled professionally while balancing obstacles and challenges that likely would have paralyzed most others. She is one of my heroes.
Derrick Van Mell, International Institute of Management Terms & Practices; Author, "Question Based Planning"
Few business leaders are both innovative as well as effective, but Jody certainly is one of the them! She sees risks and opportunities coming, creates new ways to meet them, and then acts decisively. She's a thoughtful and compassionate manager, but capable of holding the tough conversation when a tough decision is needed. Her management skills are excellent; she knows how to read a balance sheet. But above all, her ability to connect people in a way that's valuable to everyone is what impresses me most. I always profit when Jody suggests people I should meet. She makes our work together enjoyable, personable, and meaningful. Wisconsin is lucky to have her and her team as energetic and effective advocates for business.
Barry Callen, Author
"Perfect Phrases for Sales & Marketing Copy"
Marketing guru for Coca Cola and other fortune 500 companies.
Jody Glynn Patrick is a treasure-trove of business expertise, collected through over a decade of insightful questions and practical wisdom gleaned directly from thousands of leading thinkers and doers in a variety of business fields: authors, teachers, consultants, entrepreneurs, and C-Suite warriors...real-world managers who get paid, or not, based on results. Her position as publisher of In-Business Magazine and as an interviewer on the WTDY radio talk show have given her a front row seat for the latest trends in actual business practice, so Jody can get to the heart of of the matter whether your business is a local one-person start-up or a Fortune 500 corporation. She also brings a network of remarkable connections, a penchant for hard truths, a fresh outside-the-box point of view, and a delightfully light touch. Best of all, she has run a business herself.
I invested many thousands of dollars in this project because
of my faith in Jody to oversee the project as President of the
Bushnell Citizen's Coalition. I was not disappointed; in fact,
I have been more than delighted with her leadership and the amazing progress made by the team she has led. Jody had to deal with city government and volunteers, as well as investors and the contractor. She has written successful grants and managed to please everyone involved, most especially the citizens of Bushnell. She has returned an abandoned, iconic building to public use, and she will long be remembered by the citizens of Bushnell, Illinois with gratitude and respect. I, too, hold her in the highest regard and treasure the friendship we've developed.
Walter H. Beers, Investor
Bushnell, IL Train Depot Renovation Project
Jon Konarske, Publisher [then Assoc. Publisher]
In Business Magazine
Madison, WI
Jody Glynn Patrick has been my direct supervisor since my hire at IB 10 years ago. She is a working journalist and a savvy business and management expert who values excellence and is always encouraging staff to "raise the bar" to higher and higher standards. With her encouragement and support, I've risen from the ranks as an advertising consultant to VP and ultimately to the role of Associate Publisher, which I hold now. As I have worked even more closely with her, I have come to really appreciate that Jody is an outstanding leader. She's our company visionary and is passionate about our product line and about the people who work for her. One of her assets is the ability to be clear speaking so that we know what she expects. Then she is also generous to acknowledge staff accomplishments and contributions when she is complimented or presented with an award for IB. She has pulled together a talented group of professionals and she leaves them to do their job without micromanaging anyone. She provides the resources and the framework for company wide success and allows people to try new projects -- we all know we can fail without repercussion, which builds confidence in our own abilities and her ongoing encouragement to open new lines of business. I'm proud to learn from Jody, to know her, and to have been entrusted with her confidence.
David Burns, VP/Publisher at Magna
Madison, WI
I’ve known Jody for more than 15 years and highly recommend Jody for top managers looking for help in raising their management up to a new level. As VP/Publisher at Magna Publications, I can say that Jody has the business savvy and knowledge to help an organization be truly successful. Jody's attention to detail on critical aspects of business is one of the areas that set her apart from her peers. Jody demonstrates an uncanny ability to read people and situations and recommend areas that can have a positive impact on results. Jody has been a great help to me in my development and I’d recommend her in a management coaching role.